July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for a book about preferably a guy main character who is in love with a girl who he can never get but pines for her. He has a best friend who loves him and is perfect for him shares the same interests hobbies ect. But when he loses interest in the previous love interest whether it be a death or he realises they are a terrible person or realises his feelings for his friend its too late because they died or got into a huge fight or something. Bonus points if in the book they end up together but still it feels like he realised too late.

    Idk if this makes any sense but yeah

    Would really prefer a male mc as i can relate more. also guy can be gay/bi/lgbt does not have to be a female love interest. I guess something sort of similar to looking for alaska.

    by fatherlolita

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