September 2024
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    I’m a junior in high school. I just got in to reading after reading the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman in my English class. I’ve read Jurassic Park by Micheal Crichton and am half way through The Lost World. I really wanna start a bookshelf after I’m done with The Lost Word so I would like some suggestions. If it helps, some my favorite genres as of now are horror, thriller, techno-thriller, mystery, action, sci fi, fantasy, history and war.

    by No1Important1127


    1. Michael Crichton’s **Timeline** has a group of grad students travel back to 14th century France to investigate a mystery, while another team stays in the present to protect/assist them. Much of the story is set in the past and presents the brutality of life back then.

    2. Alone_Cheetah_7473 on

      The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. The Faithful and the Fallen series by John Gywnn. The first book is called Malice.

      The first series is sci fy and the second series is fantasy.

      If you horror I would recommend It or anything really by Stephen King.

      Also Dean Koontz books are great

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