September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m getting tired of the hero’s journey, and how it necessitates a lot of similar & sometimes predictable actions in the beginning and end, or any time a new character is introduced.

    What stories are out there where the middle goes on for forever? Maybe wher the characters are working for a goal that’s really far away, or they aren’t working towards anything at all and it’s just exposition for days.

    I think the lord of the rings is one example. I really think the climax is so much better because you get to know all the characters in so much detail by the time they finally reach it. By comparison a series like Game of Thrones would rank lower because it’s long, but has a ton of different plots beginning and ending all over the place (which I love, just in a very different way lol).

    Honestly the longer the better. If there were a book with an exposition / rising action that took 5000 pages I’d read it.

    (but it doesn’t have to be fantasy-specific, any genre is good)

    by SuccotashComplete


    1. boxer_dogs_dance on

      The Physician by Noah Gordon,

      Patrick OBrian and CS Forrester series about the british navy

    2. Any series by [Tad Williams]( I have read his cyberpunk series Otherland and fantasy series Shadowmarch, but the characters seemed to me to be very same-y so I’d recommend picking one of those to read and not both. I have not read any of his other series.

      Any series by [C. J. Cherryh.]( I’ve read the Fortress and Chanur series and they both have a lot of focus on character interactions and experiences rather than on a “journey.”

    3. SuccotashComplete on

      I’ve never been into comics but I’m starting to feel like they may fall in this niche slightly

    4. I felt like the book Wicked was like this

      Saga, the comic, is currently in the middle of an endless middle

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