September 2024
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    My friend adores the book Persepolis and rereads it every winter. The other day she was saying that she’d like to read more graphic novels along that line and I thought it would be a great idea to get her one as a Christmas present.

    From what I can tell, the aspects she likes about Persepolis are:
    • That the art style is beautiful but not too “busy”
    • That is set in “real life” i.e. that it is not a fantasy or sci fi book
    • That is is focused on a non-Anglophonic culture
    • That it autobiographical

    Any graphic novels that hit some or all of these points?

    by TinyButMighty2


    1. Ducks by Kate Beaton – autobiographical, real life, simple art style, but set in northern Canada.

    2. Interesting-Bee-4870 on

      The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui

      Aya of Yop City by Marguerite Abouet

      The Arab of the Future bt Riad Sattouf

      A Game for Swallows by Zeina Abirached

      Zahra’s Paradise by Amir & Khalil

      Rolling Blackouts by Sarah Glidden

      Escape from Syria by Samya Kullab and Jackie Roche

    3. This may be obvious but just in case: do you/does your friend know Marjane Satrapi’s other graphic novels, especially *Embroideries*? The author’s mother and grandmother (no doubt a favourite among fans of *Persepolis*) play an important role in it.

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