July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Sudha Murty, Founder Trustee of Infosys Foyndation, is a learned person who comes from a family of learned people. Her father was a doctor. Her grandfather was a teacher. She herself was once the HoD of a reputed college in Bangalore.

    Akshata, her daughter has imbibed great qualities from her. However do you know, it was Akshata who made her mother realize her duty towards the society? It was Akshata who made Sudha Murty, The Philanthropist!

    Akshata in her school days used to help some blind students in a local blind school of Bangalore. She use to read to them, help them and spend her time with them. One of a bright student she was helping wanted to go to go to St. Stephans College, Delhi. But he didn’t have the resources to fund his dreams. Akshata as a young child frustrated with this went to her mother with the problem statement. Sudhaji told Akshata to help him by sacrificing her birthday prties and saving something for him. Akshata then told her “Amma, when an educated person like you, well travelled, well read and without love for money does not help poor people, then don’t expect anyone else to do. Is it not tour duty to give back to those unfortunate people? …. If you cannot help poor people then don’t expect anyone else to do it”

    This statement from her daughter changed the course of history and we got Sudha Murty, The Philanthropist! At time we ignore wa our children tell us. We take their comments/ questions and ‘impractical’. However more often than not, these comments challenges the traditional thought process and forces us to think. That pushes us into an uncomfortable zone and in turn we push away our children using our ‘age’ and say ‘you don’t understand all this! You are just a child!’

    People like Sudhaji accept these comments and change the world! 🙏🏼

    Learned this from her book – Here, There and Everywhere

    by Fabsugar8185

    1 Comment

    1. Secret_Union3258 on

      No philanthropist just rich parasite. This family is fucking over India and the UK.

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