September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So at the end of the book Rachel Rosen kills Deckards goat for reasons we are supposed to speculate, which will doubtlessly ruin Deckard financially and send him into a spiral of depression and causes him to permanently fuse with Mercer.

    Personally I believe we are supposed to think that the goat is supposed to represent Deckard’s physical manifestation of empathy and his last ditch effort to cling to his humanity, so the metaphor of killing the goat was supposed to represent both that Deckard has lost his last shred of empathy and humanity while also proving that Rachel had empathy for the androids and true jealous rage towards Deckard. Okay I understand the literary reason why this happened.

    But why didn’t Deckard just sue the Rosens? They know that Rachel did it and I’m sure the Rosen company knows she did it and there were witnesses. Surely Deckard would seek some kind of retribution financially from the Rosens especially since Deckard is a law officer. Is it just something we are supposed to ignore so that the metaphor can sink in?

    by bdpowkk

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