September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not normally one for romance novels BUT from time to time I like to dabble and sometimes I find gems. I really want to get into a good festive rom-com as the season approaches. One I’ve read that I really enjoyed was One Day in December by Josie Silver. I liked it more than I thought I would and have kind of been looking for something similar ever since. One I’ve read that I really didn’t like was In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren (it felt a bit too Hallmark-y for me, too kitschy). If anyone has any recommendations, I’d love to read them!


    by ass-shaker-


    1. missjulesauthor on

      The Stocking Was Hung by Tara Sivec

      The entire Holiday Series by Sivec cracks me up. I think I literally hurt myself laughing so hard. This one is the first of the series.

      I also loved Kate Stewart’s The Plight Before Christmas!

    2. Jackie Lau has some, you can pick up three novellas in one in her Only One Bed for Christmas collection

      If you’re open to F/F Being Merry by Meka James is a full on grumpy/ sunshine delight, or Season of Love by Helena Greer- inheritance! tree farm! complicated feelings!

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