September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not the biggest fan of people and I’m very negative. I trend toward anger and frustration when it comes to other people’s actions (these are internal feelings, I don’t yell at people or anything) rather than compassion and understanding. I’d like to be more of a chill person when it comes to others and let things pass me by rather than dwell.

    Any book recommendations are welcome, doesn’t have to be explicitly self help. What books have changed your outlook about other people/the world/life?

    by Shannon_Chuy1


    1. 1920MCMLibrarian on

      This sounds stupid and I thought so for many t years BUT GIVE IT A CHANCE: How To Win Friends and Influence People.

      I had the same mentality you have. Also I’m autistic and being unable to understand people’s motivations and thought processes makes it even worse. I found this book at an airport book exchange and read it within a few days and honest to god it changed my life. Don’t go into it with any expectations for yourself. Just read, think about the examples he talks about and literally go out and try a few of the things in the book in scenarios where you would normally be salty or irritable. The first time I tried one of the suggestions it f**kin WORKED and I was blown away.

      Fortunately it’s a very reprinted book and you will be able to find it very cheap almost anywhere.

      I think I need to read it again. I know there are some people who read it regularly, I think those are people like me and you lol. Best of luck.

    2. *Meditation Without Gurus* by Clark Strand. Meditation won’t stop those feelings arising, but it helps you not to attach to the feelings. You think, “Oh wow, I’m really annoyed by that,” without getting quite so worked up about it.

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