September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t think any book can compare to the intricacies and the captivating beauty that babel by r.f kuang portrayed, but i’m sure that we can get close.

    And don’t say TSH(Reading rn), or If we were villains (dnf) or any other dark academia book that so often gets recommended with babel.

    It doesn’t need to be similar to babel at all, it just needs to have that same spark that lasted throughout every page. It just needs to be on the same level of the 6 star, 11/10 wonder that is babel.

    by SnapdragonCookie


    1. Oh I L O V E D Babel and will read anything RF Kuang writes. Have you read her series The Poppy War? If not, here are some of my 6 star books that got me the same way:

      The Daevabad Trilogy by SA Chakraborty
      Hall of Smoke by HM Long
      Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid
      Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson (YA)

      Can’t wait for her next book “Katabasis” to come out!

    2. Impressive-Fudge-455 on

      I just finished her Yellowface not long ago and enjoyed it. It makes you uncomfortable if you’re white just like Babel, which I like, because that’s when we learn and step outside of ourselves. But a very different story, just the same racial minority themes in a different way. What I love overall is her perspective on things! And she’s a good storyteller. I’m trying to read Poppy War but can’t find it on audiobook.

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