July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After consuming a lot of Halo lore recently, I have a really big itch for a story that deals with a lengthy invasion or military campaign.

    I have read Old Man’s War, The Forever War, Starship Troopers, and Ender’s Game. But they don’t really deal with the antagonists being on Earth and maybe trying to wipe Earth out.

    I did try The Three Body Problem, and found it too bleak for my tastes, no one seemed hopeful or happy.

    by DrakeVal


    1. dune, neromancer, solarce?, stranger in a strange land, starfish, the deep range, the dragon in the sea, into the drowning deep. Now i know you asked for war books but these are the ones currently on my list for heavy sci fi, i believe dune and neromancer have revolution style elements if i am not wrong about that. some of these are about colonizing ocean worlds or some such and i felt it might fit the space theme.

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