Preferably after fiction but open to any suggestions. Something quite lucid if possible as it’s for a friend who doesn’t read very often and struggles to keep his attention on one thing. Cheers.
Some of David sedaris’ short essay books touch on addiction/alcholoism. Either his experience or his family’s. And he has a fantastic sense of humour
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His early books deal more with that, like Santaland diaries. A lot of his essays are in the new yorker, if you want to get a feel for his style before committing to a whole book.
Some of David sedaris’ short essay books touch on addiction/alcholoism. Either his experience or his family’s. And he has a fantastic sense of humour
His early books deal more with that, like Santaland diaries. A lot of his essays are in the new yorker, if you want to get a feel for his style before committing to a whole book.