September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    You were a non-reader, preferring to watch movies and series rather than touch a book.

    But then, someone recommends a novel they think you’ll like, you flip through it and love it!

    In case it’s the first part of a trilogy or series, and you decide to read the whole series (or at least read all the parts you get your hands on and, in case you can’t get your hands on the last ones, you decide to look for spoilers on the internet).

    That was my experience with *Warriors* by Erin Hunter.

    What’s yours?

    by CuriousGuy21200


    1. Exciting-Avocado5421 on

      Twilight. I know it gets a lot of hate, but it’s what started a life long love for books and appreciation of the fantasy genre.

    2. Peppery_penguin on

      Nope, I’ve always read. *Babysitter’s Club*, etc in my preteen years, *Pet Sematery* at 13 and away we went.

    3. Jaws.

      I was 7 years old and my parents were really irresponsible letting me borrow that book from the library.

    4. I’ve always chosen the books I would read.

      I’ve read my first novel when I was about 10. It was a French sci-fi book called “Joar de l’espce” (1972) It would translate to “Joar from space”. When a was a child I was very interested by everything from space so the title was all I needed to ask for the book to my parents. It was in a heap of recommended books for children (It was a whole junior collection thing.)

      I remember I’ve liked it a lot. It was a one shot but it made me realize sci-fi was a thing and I followed up by all the sci-fi books I could put my hands on. It led me to René Barjavel who quickly became my favorite author in my child and teenage years.

    5. Probably Dragonriders of Pern, Castle of Adventure , Black Stallion, Xanth chronicles.

      For non adult novels, hard to say. Read a few Babysitters club, Ralph the Mouse, MacDonald Hall…

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