September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello. I just remembered this book that I had over a decade ago and I fell in love with the artwork. It is a book about the human body that had a lot of character to it.

    There are a few things that I remember about the style. It was a canvas book cover in a green/blue with a white band on the spine. Maybe there was gold text? I do remember it was in ink, and the artist used a lot of stippling. What made it stand out was that it was an informative comic book. There were speech bubbles. The characters and setting had an interesting tentacle texture, the best way I can compare it to is Osmosis Jones, a similar look that they gave the characters in the animated movie.

    There are a few drawings from the book that I remember very vaguely.
    – The kidneys and heart were drawn with characters in them
    – there were big “officer” organisms wearing helmets with had clubs in their hand
    – there was a layout of a family home about the dangers of hazardous gases and fumes, I remember there was a skull and crossbones and a garage
    – there were families of these organisms who were waking their kids to school

    I’d like to be able to see this awesome book again. I do not accurately remember the book title but for some reason I want to say ir was named something like “how to age backwards”. “How to not age”. I believe that the author was a man with a mustache. And he might have had glasses

    If you happen to know what book I am talking about god bless and thank you

    by ihearyoutho

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