September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for any nonfiction books about the idea of metaphysical or spiritual energy. To be clear, I’m not talking about energy as a concept in physics nor as the “energy” that is supposedly involved in “energy healing.”

    I’m interested in learning about the cultural, religious, and folk history of the idea of “energy,” specifically the kind people are referencing when they something has “bad vibes” or that nice person has “good energy.” It’s such common turn of phrase nowadays and it fascinates me. Plus, at least where I live, the idea that objects or people can have their own “energy” is pretty popular.

    To be clear, I’m not looking for any new age pseudoscience books. I’m looking for something more historical that explores the cultural history of “energy” as it relates to folk magic and comparative religion.

    I know this is super specific, but any suggestions are appreciated! If it would help anyone get a better idea of what I’m looking for, here are some “history of everyday things” books I’ve read lately:

    * Superstitions by D.R. McElroy
    * Encyclopaedia of Superstitions by M. Radford
    * An Atlas of Extinct Countries by Gideon Defoe
    * A Haunted Road Atlas by Christine Schiefer
    * A Walk Around The Block by Spike Carlsen

    To be clear, I’m not looking for any new-age pseudoscience books. I’m looking for something more historical that explores the cultural history of “energy” as it relates to folk magic and comparative religion.

    by feministsnarker

    1 Comment

    1. Look for books by Alla Svirinskaya. She’s an amazing third-generation matrilineal Russian healer who practices in London. She’s the real deal.

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