July 2024
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    1. For Roman, there is Simon Scarrow’s Eagles of the Empire, Peaks, Marching with Caesar series is great, and if you want something later Doherty’s 4th century Legionary series was fun.

      For Greek and Medieval, I love Christian Cameron.

      His Tryrant series is set in the Wars of Diodachi, right after the death of Alexander, with a stand-alone Alexander novel that’s great.

      The Long War series is the best Greek hist-fic I’ve read, covering the much earlier Ionian revolt and the war with the Persians.

      For Medieval, his William Gold/Chivalry series follows one man’s career in arms and knighthood, in the 14th century, beginning at Poitiers. His Tom Swan series is set in the aftermath of the Fall of Constantinople, and follows a fictional Papal spy and sometimes soldier.

      Edit: I also forget another set of two Greek novels, starting with the New Achilles, set in the 220s BCE, with Greece trying to resist Roman domination.

    2. reachedmylimit on


      The Centurion—Leonard Wibberly

      Medieval Europe:

      Ken Follett—The Pillars of The Earth

      Umberto Eco—The Name of the Rose

    3. freerangelibrarian on

      The King Must Die by Mary Renault. Based on the myth of Theseus, but not fantasy. She wrote several other novels set in ancient Greece.

      The Ides of March by Thornton Wilder. Epistolary novel about Julius Caesar.

      Homer’s Daughter by Robert Graves. Based on part of the Odyssey.

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