September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve come to realize this is one of my favorite plot structures. A small murder or a work place accident or an arrest (or whatever) reveals a bigger conspiracy

    Recently finished the Silo tv show (loved the book too) and that’s its main format. Same with The Expanse.

    I’m interested in fantasy/sci-fi/historical fiction. Top quality though, not supermarket paperback quality.

    No spoilers where possible please 🙂

    by cjpr


    1. [Rule 34 by Charles Stross](, sci fi about a series of murders set up to look like embarrassing household accidents. It says second in a series, but I read it before I knew that and it works as a stand alone novel.

      Edit: I just remembered another! Reamde by Neal Stephenson, a thriller. Contains an accurate depiction of computer hacking.

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