September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone! I’m looking to really up my lyricism/poetry and wanted to ask for any poetry or books where the author is able to weave words together in a way that evoke strong emotions or make you go “oh, that was neat”.

    For poems, I don’t mind if there is a lack of cohesiveness and it’s just kind of “word vomit” as Kurt Cobain would say to describe his own lyrics. I also really love stories with gothic undertones or that allude to death. My favorite lyricist is Gerard Way and this is an example of lyrics that I think are really powerful:

    Preach all you want but who’s gonna save me?
    I keep a gun on the book you gave me, hallelujah, lock and load
    Black is the kiss, the touch of the serpent sun
    It ain’t the mark or the scar that makes you one,

    Thanks in advance everyone!

    by MiitomoNightcore

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