July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Haven’t been into reading for a long, long time. Got addicted to social media so taking a break from it. But the idleness makes me anxious when I’m alone. Also I’m pretty sure I have ADHD. So I’m looking for something that won’t be too tough to stick to, at the time a bit overwhelming or thought-inspiring and mostly, a comfort read that would motivate me to change my life for the better.

    by ariana__gandhi


    1. If you’re going from a social media/phone addiction to reading, I find it’s very hard to stay focused reading. What worked for me was to read my old favorites from when I was younger! Easy to read and comprehend, and the nostalgia kept me motivated and got my attention span back a bit. Made me remember why I loved reading

    2. bookishjasminee on

      Your post instantly reminded me of *How to Stop Time* by Matt Haig. It’s about a man who has a supernatural “condition” which makes him age tremendously slowly, dw he’s not a vampire or anything like that lol he’s a middle-aged history teacher but one who has been alive since the Elizabethan age.

      On the one hand this book offers some nice, easy to get into escapism as we see his various experiences through the centuries, and the bits set in Elizabethan England were very lovely and cozy in a way- but on the other hand it explores his deep solitude and dissatisfaction with life as a result of outliving everyone he knew. Somehow the book manages to touch on this without making you miserable, instead it is calming and reassuring as it moves from past to present and we watch the protagonist attempt even after all his difficulties to make the most of new experiences and open himself up to others. It’s warm, wise and written in easy prose.

      Matt Haig struggled with a lot of mental health issues before recovery so his books do tend to focus on that comforting, optimistic aspect whilst acknowledging the melancholy. Give it a try 🙂

    3. If you’ve never read Harry Potter I’d start there. I also like the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series for its quaintness and intriguing setting in Botswana.

    4. easy reads; the little prince, percy jackson, short graphic novels like tea dragon society

    5. JustMeLurkingAround- on

      **The Comfort Book** by Matt Haig.

      It’s a collection of things, lists, stories, anecdotes, poems… that helped the author through hard times. You can read it from front to back or a random page at a time, as much or as little as you have concentration for.

      Seriously one of the most important books for me and my well-being I came across for a long time.

    6. thisisausergayme on

      I have ADHD and it’s different for everyone, but I really enjoy listening to audiobooks while doing something with my hands like playing a familiar video game or knitting or just doing something with my hands. Really helps with my desire for different kinds of stimulation. Here are some audiobooks I like:

      The Heartstriker Series by Rachel Aaron – I really like the narrator of this series and it’s very fun! Fantasy with a touch of cyberpunk.

      Legends and Lattes – this is a cozy fantasy book around an orc building a coffee shop.

      The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells – look, these books are very funny and they’re novellas so they’re easy to get to. Also, if you have anxiety, the main character is very relatable. The main character has specific comfort media and consumes a bunch of media for comfort and gets found family.

      The Penric and Desdamona Novellas by Louis McMaster Bujold – kind of domestic fantasy about a man and his demon, as he loves his life and tries to figure out the right things to do.

    7. Anything by Jean Little. A couple of my favourites are *From Anna* and *Somebody Else’s Summer*.

      Enjoy whatever you pick up next! 🙂

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