July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. The Art of Noticing

      Big Magic (although this may be too “spiritual” for you. It has similar insights as The Creative Act IMO, just not laid out as creatively as TCA 😂)

    2. I recommend the book **The Accidental Creative** by Todd Henry

      Inside Todd lays out the acronym for staying and consistently turning out great work. That acronym is FRESH which stands for Focus,Relationships,Energy Stimuli and Hours.

      **Focus**: creativity requires concentration. You must have discipline around how you spend your finite attention

      **Relationships** We all heard of the lone creative genius but Todd argues it’s a myth. To be more creative develop deep relationships with people who inspires you, motivate you to do your best work and who can offer critiques of your ideas.

      **Energy**- You have to manage your ability to bring emotional labor to your work and are willing to say “no” to the good so you have enough energy to truly focus on your most important work.

      **Stimuli** You have to be more intentional on what ideas you put in your head because those ideas will be the catalyst for your work. Read book,watch a documentary or go to a museum. If these activities involve subjects outside of your usual expertise all the better.

      **Hours** You must invest the time in generating ideas on a consistent basis. Set aside time each day to focus on your most important problems.

      I also recommends **Steal Like An Artist**, it’s a shorter book you can read in a day. The premise of the book is by if you want to be more creative you have to learn to steal and to steal well.
      I’m running short on time but this Wikipedia article gives a great overview


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