July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there! I’m hoping to get suggestions for a series I can get lost in. Hoping for lots of plot twists, woven plot lines, and complex/morally ambiguous characters. Think Game of Thrones, not for the fantasy or setting, but for the twists and less obvious characters. I’m struggling to find anything because most series I’ve found are for a YA audience, so they are a bit more cut and dry instead of morally complex.

    by FireflyFreak


    1. The Expanse. It’s a sci-fi series about a three-pronged war between humans on Earth, Mars, and colonies along the Asteroid Belt. This is the closest thing to Game of Thrones you’ll read.

    2. For complex fantasy, I recommend the Malazan Book of the Fallen novels by Steven Erikson. Lots of lore and world-building.

    3. The most similar I have read is probably Bakker’s “Warrior Prophet” series. It is darker and a bit messed up at times but has some solid intrigue and battles.

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