July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I work in a deli where I wash dishes for 3 hours of the night, and I have an hour commute. That’s 5 hours in a day for me to listen to audiobooks, and I’ve been taking advantage of it this year. My original goal was 50 books, but I blew past that by the middle of the year. I’m in the 80s now and I didn’t expect to get this close to 100, but since I am I’m really interested in trying my best to hit it if I can, just for an extra challenge. I’ll have a lot of time doing holiday crafting and cooking soon so I can listen to some longer books on my list then, but I want short books that I can listen to in a day. I listen to them normally on 1.5-1.75x speed depending on the narrator, so I can usually finish around a 7 hr book in a day. I have the rest of the Earthsea books to get through, but after that I’m stumped.

    I’m looking, specifically for short, 7 hours or less, audiobooks that PREFERABLY can be found on YouTube or are free with Audible Premium, though I know that’s a stretch. Feel free to recommend longer books too for later on, but im just looking for shorter ones right now. Check my profile 2 posts back to see all of the books I read this year and my ratings of them in my own rating system, so you can see what I liked more than others (I’m not very harsh, I at least like most of what I read or else I won’t finish it!)

    I love memoirs on overcoming hardship, like Educated and A Child Called “It.” Cult and religion memoirs also intrigue me, especially Christian ones. I also like interesting people and interesting situations period, but I’m picky with celebrity memoirs (AKA I don’t know many celebrities.) I LOVE reading about LGBT folks and topics, so plus if they include that. I’m from the south, and I love reading books about strong and interesting women also from the south. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Southern Discomfort, and All the Young Men are probably my top 3 memoirs of this year so far.

    I’ve gone back this year and read “middle grade” and YA books and series I loved as a kid, and tried ones I always had in the back of my mind but never got to. I really liked some, like the Hunger Games, and didn’t love others because they were toooo middle grade, like the Warriors series (though I think I would like the second series more.) I found out that I LOVED Anne of Green Gables – the descriptions of nature and the domestic crafts and life were wonderful.

    I also enjoy fantasy, but new YA/fairy romance fantasy is really not my cup of tea, and neither is a lot of old school fantasy. I did enjoy some Sanderson books, but I don’t think any of them are short enough to fit my criteria. I am hard pressed to find any short fantasy and I don’t expect much, just throwing it in there in case anyone knows some.

    by gracgracgracgrac

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