November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I generally don’t read anything vampire related (I blame it on the Twilight movies :D). However, recently the thought came to my mind about the Vampire genre and was wondering if there are any books that shows the day-to-day (or more like night-to-night) in the life of vampires. Like, do they go to work, have social life outside the supernatural, maybe have work troubles and so on.

    Ofc it doesn’t have to be boring, with plenty of actions, romances, etc. But, with the things I mentioned above as well.




    by Holy_Shifter


    1. One of the Laundry Files treats it that way… idr the title, atm. I’ll comment back once I’ve found it. Wait… {{The Rhesus Chart, by Stross}} it’s like book 6?

    2. Vampire: The Masquerade is a game but there is a ton of lore and it dives into what the day to day can be like for several different vampire types. there are a lot of books that explain it and while not exactly a work of narrative fiction it’s a pretty interesting read from a world building perspective.

    3. iheardshesawitch on

      I swear I read other books, but for some reason this sub keeps forcing me to recommend Let the Right One In and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. 😂

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