July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read a book a few years ago. I’ve forgotten what it is and I really want to read it again. Apologies if this isn’t the sort of post for this forum but I’ve tried a few other places with no luck so thought I’d try here.

    Basically it’s in America and a random bloke gets caught up in a series of events that normally would not befall a normal bloke. I don’t remember much but what I do remember is a scene where the local town bar gets absolutely destroyed by bad guys, he survives.

    The end of the book is the chief of police telling the man, “well done, you passed” and apprently it was all a government run scenario and he was now part of the club. Then it turns out this was the first in a series of books.

    If anyone can help identify it I’d be ever so grateful. Thank you in advance.

    by SirTimmons


    1. You could also try the folks over in the whatsthatbook subreddit.

      Pro tip: They can be most helpful if you follow the Rules posted there.

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