July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anyone familiar with the Earth’s Children series is probably familiar with the many pros and cons of the books. I’m looking for something that’s got some of the good points!

    Good (for me):
    —Paleolithic/ prehistory setting. Caves, mammoths, glaciers, flint tools.
    —lots and lots of descriptions of daily life during those times (author clearly researched everything h from flint knapping and basket-weaving to hunting and herbal medicine)
    —tons of information about the climactic and geographic situation.

    —main character becomes a massive Mary Sue over the course of the books (to the point where people think she’s a literal manifestation of their goddess)
    —lots of cringey, poorly-written sex scenes
    —awful, problematic romantic relationships
    —plotting in general is poor
    —books suffer a huge loss of quality in the last few.

    I’d love to read something else set 30000 years ago, maybe with fewer embarrassingly-bad sexy parts… any suggestions?

    by Matilda-17

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