September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I adore true crime that reads like fiction, but I feel like I’ve read just about all of them. I know that’s literally impossible, so I’d love for you fine folks to drop some ideas on me! I tend to go for pre-WWII; a shortlist of what’s already on my shelves: all of Erik Larson’s and Harold Schechter’s books (and shorts in Schechter’s case), In Cold Blood (the granddaddy), most Kate Sunmerscale, American Eve, Five Points, Empire of Sun, The Trial of Lizzie Borden, Killers of the Flower Moon, Charlatan, The Case of the Murderous Dr Cream, Satan’s Circus.

    by BoopTheCoop


    1. happycamperbookfiend on

      All of the ones you listed are what came to mind for me. :). This is a recent case so not historic but We Were Once a Family by Roxanna Asgarian is good. Also Adnan’s Story by Rabia Chaudry. Also Tell Me Everything by Erika Krouse

    2. happycamperbookfiend on

      I have not read it, but I hear that Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe is really good. He has others also

    3. Historic True Crime is also one of my favorite genres to read. Here are several books in that genre that I have enjoyed, that were not listed above.

      Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer—James L. Swanson

      The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murders and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York—Deborah Blum

      The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science—Douglas Starr

      Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution—Holly Tucker

      The Man from the Train: The Solving of a Century-Old Serial Killer Mystery—Bill James, Rachel McCarthy James

      Newton and the Counterfeiter: The Unknown Detective Career of the World’s Greatest Scientist—Thomas Levenson

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