September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Overall the main plot has various themes that are bordered.

    Bullying, Cheating, Family Issues, Betrayal, Blackmail, Suicide, Homicide, self-harm (drumroll) Horror and much more.

    With so many subplots, as fun as it sounds, the problem is introducing all but not explaining any.

    I think the book had so much potential with the horror theme since the island is sort of introduced as a haunted place and constantly implied to retain a bad omen. But that’s sort of not at all used in the actual plot but rather just to create an eerie atmosphere that you can expect something but not get anything from.

    I personally despised Johnno more than I hated Will. I can understand it was only human nature for him to be a bit jealous of Will’s success but I didn’t like that being brought up every time during his POV (not even exaggerating it was brought up in EVERY one of his pov)

    The plot twists were outstanding but not as unpredictable for some characters as others. My favourite one was the link between Olivia to Will.

    I didn’t at all like the forced link of Hannah’s character to Will. It seemed too out of line with the plot to be even coincidental.

    Her character was still just fine without that link and rather the author could’ve made use of her husband’s confession and added some benefit of that to the plot.

    And perhaps, just maybe, not everything was necessary to be linked to Willaim, ykwim.

    Overall, the book is worth a read. It will keep you binged through second half. Not the biggest fan, but neither was it the worst read.

    by Kooky-Holiday-8077

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