September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! Lovely to be here. ☺️ I’m an avid reader in search of some book suggestions to purchase for my younger brother (he just turned twenty). I’ve tried getting him stuff in the past but he never seems too interested in what I’ve picked out and I’d really like to get him reading more as he expresses interest but doesn’t go out of his way to buy books for himself.

    He’s very much into mythology (Japanese, Egyptian, and Norse specifically but he dabbles in other areas) and gaming (huge Nintendo fanboy), and he really enjoys researching naval war history. He has Autism so I’ve tried to pick books in areas he likes but I know next to nothing about these topics so I’m hoping someone can give me some suggestions! Fiction and nonfiction suggestions are both welcome.

    Thank you so much for reading/helping me out!

    by bigpagina


    1. ​

      In the video games category , would any of these be of interest ? ( Plus the GR site has plenty of book genres that you can search through , if those choices aren’t what you’re looking for )

      * Went back and edited the first comment post I made since it had the word ‘ for ‘ way too many times , in my opinion *



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