July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i’m new to actually commenting on reddit so excuse me if anything is formatted wrong but i’m in a giant reading slump right now and I have had this concept in my head for everrrr now and i wanted to know if anyone knew a book like this!

    (very specific i know) a fantasy book where the MMC is very chill and somehow the FMC meets him and follows along with his travels to some ruined kingdom or just some place. The FMC feels sparks between them, but when they get to the ruined kingdom the evil queen turns out to have a history with MMC and they used to be in love but he left her for some reason and that’s why the kingdom fell in ruin. Then the evil queen is like “wait don’t make me the bad guy this is whole kingdom falling apart was your fault.” and the FMC is like what i thought u were a good guy…. and MMC is lowkey still in love with the queen. plz if anybody knows a book like this share 🫶🫶

    by Significant_Gas_4031

    1 Comment

    1. There is a book series that comes pretty close to that but sort of becomes a retelling of beauty and the beast instead, that book is a court of thorns and roses.

      That last twist there in your paragraph is quite a doozy.

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