September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest me a book on how to stop myself from over explaining. I (34f) tend to over explain myself and it comes off argumentative. I know it’s anxiety and past trauma and I’m seeing a counselor weekly and taking medication for my anxiety and depression. I need something to read (preferably an audio book) on how to re wire my brain or change my thinking so I stop doing this.

    It gets me in trouble at work, especially via email, when I can’t convey my tone. I find that just trying to explain my thinking makes it seem like I’m trying to prove a point when in my head, I thought we were just having a discussion. It’s almost like I’m mistaking concrete answers for open dialogue? I don’t know how to explain it. When this happens, it sends me into a deep spiral of anxiety and it makes it worse. It makes me start thinking irrationally almost.

    The reason I phrased it “re wire my brain” is because I read a book called Hardwiring Happiness and I liked the vibe I guess? Idk the word for it but it was helpful.

    Please don’t hate on me. I’m feeling fragile today.

    by Ayeayegee

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