July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently passed the most important exam of my life yet. Few days ago, I passed the Physician Licensure Exam. I am happy but I kinda feel empty. It’s as if I have poured all my years for this and now that I have it, I don’t know which way to go. I fought so hard to get here but realized I also kinda lost myself along the way.

    I used to love reading books, young adult romances, dystopian, horror, thriller, fantasy or adventure.

    Then I started medschool and I never got the chance to read nothing but medical stuff. I feel worn out. Now I’m trying to get back my old self who loves to read and engross myself with the stories. Experience different perspectives through the characters or author’s POV. I know nothing compares with living out there. I’m also an introvert so putting myself out there isn’t always something I’m used to.

    Your recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Any genre is okay but I guess self help books are my top priority. Thanks!

    by Key-Cake-9082

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