July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for academic books. Does anyone know of professors that has books, papers or anything related to these topics:

    Which programmes of study would fit this the closest? Or if you’ve taken courses on this topic below:

    Books and other resources about how different people in different areas phrase and speak and interact differently, and how their language and communication patterns are vastly different

    This could include how people greet each other different, and the different ways they phrase their common greetings

    This could include how people farewell each other different, and the different ways they phrase their common byes

    This could include other phrasings that are more common to different areas and how they are different from other people in different areas of different things like buying at restaurants or common language usage when interacting with friends and whatnot

    This could also include nonverbal communication since that would obviously be very important when it comes to understanding language meaning and related

    What type of professors and scholars usually knows most about that kind of topic

    by OwlInternational6236


    1. Next_Literature_2905 on

      The field most relevant to this is linguistics. What you describe is the study of regional dialects. You’ll find many textbooks that focus on regional dialects alone, but the topic will also be in general linguistics textbooks, as well. (I took linguistics courses at university and what you describe is exactly part of what we studied)

      You might also find relevant info in the field of cultural anthropology, but start with linguistics

    2. I agree that linguistics could be relevant. I’d also look at work on cross-cultural psychology (e.g., Hofstede’s dimensions, Hazel Rose Markus & Shinobu Kitayama).

      One academic journal you might want to check out is the Journal of Language and Social Psychology.

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