September 2024
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    Example – parenting books like “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” Every few years an updated edition comes out. How do bookstores like Barnes and Noble respond? How are they alerted to the new edition? Don’t they want to continue selling the current edition until they’re gone to avoid losing money? How does it work?

    My main question is – as a consumer, should I feel confident that if I’m looking for a topic/title, the bookstore and/or the library will only have the current, latest edition and I won’t inadvertently pick up the older, outdated edition? I think Amazon is a little safer in this regard, you can see all the listings, dates, etc. I hope my question makes sense! Thank you.

    by jdn445

    1 Comment

    1. Bookshops would change to the newest edition faster than libraries would. Libraries probably wouldn’t update to a new edition unless the old one is significantly outdated or needs replacing for another reason. I don’t think there would be any guarantees that you’d get the latest version, but I think it’s highly likely at a bookshop… Personally, if there was a specific version of a specific book I was looking for, I’d just contact them and ask.

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