September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m having a hard time finding books I actually like. I loose interest so fast, I enjoy documentaries but I find for the book I get bored. I love to learn about the universe, cosmos, the earth, etc. I do enjoy sci-fi but most are just so unrealistic for me. I hated reading as a small kid but now I wanna get back into it

    by Edwardo-18


    1. A short history of everything by Bill Bryson

      Jumps around a lot so easy to skip sections you don’t find interesting. And he is funny, that helps.

    2. Stiff by Mary Roach is about the medical use of cadavers in the US

      Death’s Acre by Bill Bass is about the modern history of forensic anthropology and entomology. The field is new enough the foundation generation is still working

      Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston is about bio weapons.

      Atomic Accidents by James Mahaffey is really good.

      Martin by Andy Weir is a very grounded near science fiction about a guy stuck on Mars

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