September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    **Pip is not a detective anymore. With the help of Ravi Singh, she has released a podcast about the murder she solved last year. The podcast has gone viral, but Pip insists her days of investigating are behind her.**

    **She will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing.**

    Note: I made the summery short to save space and in case anyone wants to check the book out for themselves.

    This was even better then the previous book. Unlike the first one I forgot some of the twists in this one so when they happened they had a different impact.

    Pip and Ravi are still amazing characters and Pip’s struggles with what happened in the first book just kinda come off the page. >!The fear Connor and his mom have for Jamie when he goes missing honestly feels real and I felt what they felt. !< This book kinda has a whats right and wrong theme going on with some of the actions Pip takes. Also there was a moment that while I saw coming still made me beyond angry.

    Final thoughts, great read but took me longer to finish then the first time. Not a bad thing. Just game me more time to analyze the story more.

    Content warning For Mentions of SA.

    Good reads rating, 5 stars.

    Real life rating. 7.9

    by DevilMasterKING

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