July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently finished stoner by John williams and loved it. What will you recommend to read after it ? Not necessarily same genre. Like stoner presents a type of life and made some very profound points , what do you think should I read to know about about this mystery called ” life ” .

    A friend suggested ” on the road ” . Thoughts ?

    by oo_ga_boo_ga


    1. Commercial_Work_6152 on

      I’d go for some Marilynne Robinson for more of that quiet, contemplative goodness.

      For the love of God, give *On The Road* the swerve. All you’ll learn from that is how to be a raging, self-centred man-child who hates women.

    2. Complex_Platform2603 on

      Just go all the way down the John Willams rabbit hole, you won’t be disappointed. Augustus and Butcher’s Crossing are both wonderful.

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