July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I just finished all 3 of the books in the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. I really loved them and I’m looking for a similar type book/story/servies.
    Ideally Alternate history, steam/diesel punk, Airships, and walkers…Ideally late victorian-WWI time period.
    I just need something similar that is fun and exciting. Any suggestions?

    by sparksfly00


    1. It’s not quite what you asked for, but Kate Elliott’s “Spiritwalker/Cold Magic” trilogy is a Napoleonic Wars AU (so early 1800’s). The Ice Age never ended, Rome lost the Punic wars, the Malian Empire decamped to Britain (which means the New World was never colonized), troodons reached their full evolutionary potential, and entropy-controlling mage houses clash with emerging tech.

    2. Boneshaker
      by Cherie Priest : Another steampunk that takes place in Seattle area around Civil War time.

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