July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for books that’ll help with understanding the psychology of satisfaction and what to do next, since I find the accepting yourself movement redundant if they insist that there’s nothing to change. I’d like a book that explores both positions and helps with the transition between the two? I’d like it to backed by scientific studies if possible and tribal myth based books if possible too something like the four agreements and for a science based book maybe tiny habits by bj fogg. It’s alright if the books are philosophical in nature too

    by kekfrouze

    1 Comment

    1. DoctorDude42069 on

      I haven’t read any of his books per se, but you might be interested in reading about Jaques Lacan. He was a philosopher who did a lot of work on desire, drive, fulfillment, etc. His ideas about the “objet petit a” are fascinating. I can hardly understand half of it, though.

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