July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book about a teen character who is totally awful to their parents but later comes to regret/apologize for their behavior. Even better if the teen is a boy and the parent is a mom. I’d like to know there is hope for a good outcome from all the drama.

    by kiableem


    1. You might like Landslide by Susan Conley. It’s about a mother who is struggling to feel valued by her teenage boys she refers to as “the wolves.”

    2. Its not a book, but Mothers of Monsters’s plot was similar to this premise. Whats funny though is that I find a lot of moms on the internet who miss the point after seeing the ending.

    3. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      I found Frank McCourt’s Teacher Man really touching. when my kid was being so obnoxious it helped so much to read viewpoints from others less close to the drama because they were able to see and feel what I couldn’t in my ground-zero role.

    4. If you’re looking for useful techniques to change behavior, we had great luck with the “Love and Logic” approach from what used to be the Cline Fay institute, but I think they’ve rebranded to just love and logic now.
      The older the child is the harder it can be to get started, but I’ve seen the techniques work in lots of real-world, not fictional, situations.

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