July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been reading Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tommorow by Gabrielle Zevin and loving it, for the most part… except I’m a bit confused about something. I wanted to show a picture but I can’t upload one here so I’ll try to explain it.

    I’m on page 294, at the part where Sam goes to the dog park with his dog Tuesday. And then after he and Sadie are talking, and Sam says “Maybe it’s a story about LA too. Maybe it’s a story about the kind of people that go

    And that’s the problem, it just cuts off there and goes to the next chapter.

    I flipped ahead in the book and there’s another page 294 where he completes the sentence and the story continues properly. And a lot of other page numbers are all jumbled around. This has to be a misprint, right? Surely this isn’t intentional?

    by blood-poetry

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