July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    the title basically says it all, but hi! from august to the end of october/beginning of november have been some of the most difficult and dark moments of my life and i was listening to a lot of audiobooks (i drive a lot for work & school) and was absorbing too much of the negativity from the books and characters so i stopped listening to books entirely; i’m a grad student so i don’t generally have time for pleasure reading.

    HOWEVER! this past weekend i started rewatching parks & rec w my partner and i forgot how much i L O V E adam scott, how much i love ben wyatt as a character, and the way his relationship and sweet nature with leslie makes me cry.

    any suggestions of a dynamic/relationship similar to their relationship in the show? 🙂 or other easy to read fun CUTE romance novels that won’t leave me hurting through the angst for the happy ending. mild angst is okay LMAO.

    thanks friends 🙂

    by tsxan


    1. Maybe Vimes and Sybil in Terry Pratchett? Or Moist and Adorabelle from Terry Pratchett. Always Terry Pratchett.

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