July 2024
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    I know some self help books inspire you or some fiction books change how you think about things for a day or two or maybe even a week.

    I’m looking for books that single handedly have been responsible for a sustained change, over the long term

    by techbro2


    1. Stormlight1984 on

      The Half Has Never Been Told, by Edward R. Baptiste

      I always knew a lot about American history, but learning how dreadfully efficient we are at increasing yield from forced labor — that was terrifying.

      You’ll never hear something measured in hands again without thinking of Baptiste.

    2. Girl, Interrupted change my whole view on life and was responsible for my sustained recovery from bipolar after many attempts.

      The Alchemist i read in the mental hospital and it made me much kinder and more compassionate as a whole.

    3. thisisme112233 on

      I think of the plot of moon of the crusted snow a lot. What our expectations of others would be if the world dramatically changed for the worse.

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