September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    few questions

    What does a book have to do to qualify for these, just released in 2023?

    Why arent they basing this off of how many people read and reviewed a book this year no matter the release date as a more accurate depiction of what was being read and more popular this year?

    I am noticing a worrying trend. More women authors to men, largely disproportionate.

    fiction- 13 clear women writers, 5 clear male, as in clearly their names are for a specific gender.

    historical fiction- 17 female, 2 maybe 3 male.

    mystery and thriller- 17 female, 3 maybe 4 male.

    romance- 19 female, 1 male

    romantasy- 20 female, 0 male

    fantasy- 16 female, 4 male

    sci fi- 10 female, 10 male,

    horror- 12 female, 8 male

    ya fantasy and sci fi- terrible why cant they separate these- 20 female with one cowritten book including a male author

    ya fiction- 20 female, 0 male

    debut novel 2023- 19 female or not male, 1 male

    best non fiction- 13 female, 1 cowritten female/male authors, 6 male

    memoir and autobiography- 17 female, 3 male,

    history and biography- 16 men, 1 male/female author cowriter, 3 female

    humor- 13 female, 7 male

    when i say male female here i mean female to include any non male identifying individual and i compiled this list based of their names and not their gender identity, for some reason it is hard to find genders on authors pages on good reads.

    I think this is important to discuss as i always see more content on instagram, tik tik, and youtube saying people want to read more female and underrepresented individuals to get more perspectives in their books. But they totally ignore males and i rarely see male authors talked about these days.

    As of 2021, 50.45% of authors within the US are women and 49.55% of authors are men. However in terms of earnings, on average female authors’ salaries are 96% of the value of male authors’ salaries. The average age of an author that is employed is 42 years old. Feb 8, 2023 [\~:text=As%20of%202021%2C%2050.45%25%20of,employed%20is%2042%20years%20old](,employed%20is%2042%20years%20old).

    I also want to include that literacy is a issue between the genders and here is the article that proves it. [](

    this article goes over the percentage of authors to their readers genders as well as it’s impact on young readers.

    Also i want to add despite reading over 72 books this year so far i have not read any of the books on any of the lists for voting on the choice awards and hadnt even heard of most of them.

    Why are they having us vote on books most of us didnt read? What books were actually read this year based on number of users of good reads saying they read them this year? I want to vote on those books not this weirdly overly female list.

    written as a female who reads books despite gender.

    by Bluesbunny33


    1. As far as I understand it, goodreads bases their awards on readership on their own platform. That’s why most people say it’s a popularity contest. It has little to do with authorship at all. Look at who is reading and their social connections. Unfortunately, that puts men on the lower end.

      Edit: A lot of people did read these books actually. Or at least bought them. But every year I have to skip certain genres when voting because there are just too many books to read and too little time.

    2. blueberry_pancakes14 on

      Just like the rest of Goodreads, popularity contest.

      It’s pulling from it’s own data and the fairly small number of people who nominate books of all the users on Goodreads. Then the also proporatiteley small number of people who vote versus just have Goodreads accounts.

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