September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What are the books that have left you with the best feelings in the end? Wether it’s wholesomeness, schadenfreude, or just pure satisfaction, I want to read a book with the bestest ending, no matter how intense (or not-intense) it is before it gets to that point!

    I like adventure and fiction, but I’ll try anything!

    by still_leuna


    1. thisisausergayme on

      Also, my own personal opinion and this one is more debatable, the books in the Imperial Radch universe by Anne Leckie

    2. I remember having the biggest smile on my face and a warm happy feeling at the end of {{Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher}}

      Also, I love this request and will be keeping an eye on the replies so ty for posting!

    3. Opus-the-Penguin on

      *Pride and Prejudice* made me happy. I haven’t read any other Austen and don’t normally go for that kind of lit. (Jane Eyre, for example, was a snore.) But this one just gave me a warm satisfied feeling at the end.

    4. unlovelyladybartleby on

      A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. It’s like the world’s nicest grandma is inside your brain, squeezing out extra dopamine and oxytocin

    5. Moose_Winchester on

      If you’re open to manga, Fullmetal Alchemist has a really wholesome and happy ending that ties the whole series together really well

    6. CrowleysWeirdTie on

      The House in the Cerulean Sea has a lovely found family vibe and a great ending. Also, The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery, The Shipping News, and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik all end with neglected or underappreciated people finding their place and their people in really heartwarming ways.

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