September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Until now I have read mainly classics. I want to expand my horizons, but I always feel like a have so little time that I would rather read a book that has been proven to be great (as in, classics have withstood the test of time for a reason).

    So, I was wondering if you could recommend modern books (20th/21st century) that you are sure will make or have made history.

    I don’t mean just “good” in the sense that is an enjoyable read. I’m sure many YA/thrillers etc are amazing fun to read, but those I can find pretty easily on my own.

    I want something that even if I weren’t enjoy the process of reading, I’m sure I will get *something* out of it. Introspection, new ideas.

    I am asking because I am not very familiar with the literary world, but I would appreciate some names that, though not commonly known, are actually highly regarded.

    Thank you.

    P.S. Authors from different parts of the world are more than welcome

    by okyouknowwhatFML


    1. punninglinguist on

      Based on reading (about) literary critics and editors, I’d say the most respected American novelists of roughly the last half century are, in no particular order:

      – Philip Roth
      – Toni Morrison
      – Don DeLillo
      – Cormac McCarthy
      – Thomas Pynchon
      – Vladimir Nabokov (if you consider him American)

      Just google their most famous books, pick a few at random, and go to the library!

    2. These are ones I’ve read recently that really impacted me:

      Shark Heart – Emily Habeck

      Whalefall – Daniel Kraus

      Monstrilio – Gerardo Sámano Córdova

      The Saturday Night Ghost Club – Craig Davidson

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