July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Tl;dr: I want some fantasy books (preferably medieval/low fantasy, but futuristic magic things can work just as well) with some dreadful situations that have a chance of ending well and with a protagonist that is strong/good at what he does. Romance is appreciated but it shouldnt be the main focus.



    I have been binging this series for the last few days, and am looking for the next books to binge. I really liked how it was fantasy, but based in medieval reality. Like the names, certain morals, norms etc were based on how it worked in medieval times, which I really liked. The characters were fun although still having their deeper moments. I also like that there was a bit of romance and a main character that was strong or good in what he did. What I mostly want is the real despair some moments have given me.

    When I was new to books I read the mistborn series and that failed to give that feeling of dread I so love. In book three the main character sees a relatively trustworthy vision of his newly wed wife cheating on him while crying and saying his name. The author had earlier created a sense of distrust by seriously hurting or even killing important side characters, so it could have really happened, even if it was against her will. I could feel my heart in my throat. In reality, they kissed but didnt actually go beyond that.

    I dont mean dread where there is no chance of a good ending, that is just hurtful drama. I am talking about situations where there is a chance of winning, of a good ending, even if its not likely. Important is the fact that the author isn’t predictable with plot armor. Some plot armor is good, but a lot makes the story predictable. So, not that please.


    Thats all I think. If you have any reccomendations, thanks. If you have some books that dont fit all the categories (although it matches with most) but are still really good, I’m still open to suggestions


    by Neka_JP

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