September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys, so i started a job recently that is 12 hours and I’ve been using audible to pass the time instead of music or podcasts.

    So far I’ve listened to the lord of the rings trilogy and am 1/3 of the way through the hobbit, I chose these due to the long read times and my interest in them.

    So if your able to recommend me any books that are fiction, science fiction, dystopia, post apocalyptic, fantasy, cyberpunk, basically anything interesting that is also over the 12 hours mark. Thanks

    by Freshworkzz


    1. Try the Earthseed series by Octavia E Butler. Over a thousand pages of fantastic fiction. Although you may recognize the story as a prophecy of our distopian future.

    2. The Expanse series, Wheel of Time, Brandon Sandersons books
      I’ve also been listening to Star Wars The High Republic audiobooks and audio dramas and I’ve been loving them. Marc Thompson is an amazing narrator

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