September 2024
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    Fight Club. It wasn’t fun to read it felt like the author was ploying with me trying purposefully to confuse me to a point where it forced me to become disinterested. However with the movie i was captivated every second. The book’s attempt to obscure and mystify the reader might have been an intentional stylistic choice, but for me, it didn’t translate well.

    by Johhnyfailedhistest


    1. Anything by Stephen King for me. To me it feels almost like George Lucas. Great idea man, terrible at execution. Give his outlines to someone more talented as a film maker though, and they’ll produce gold.

      My experience was with “Different Seasons”, a collection of 4 short stories that have produced 3 movies (The Shawshank Redemption, Stand By Me, and Apt Pupil). In all 3 cases I didn’t love the book, but at least 2 of those movies are pretty much perfect.

    2. blueberry_pancakes14 on

      Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

      The Cider House Rules by John Irving

      Stardust by Neil Gaiman

      The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

      Forrest Gump by Winston Groom

      The Princess Bride by William Goldman

      P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

    3. Jurassic Park the film is better than Jurassic Park the novel, in my opinion, but not by much. Both a brilliant in their own ways.

    4. Smellynerfherder on

      Stardust is a much better film than book. Tighter plotting, better characterisation; more action.

    5. Fried Green Tomatoes

      the book is a collection of news stories- i didn’t even finish it – it wasn’t for me – others may like it tho

      but the movie can get me in the feels

    6. Miserable-Wishbone-6 on

      A show rather than a movie, but Queen’s Gambit. The book was a fantastic story but told so dryly, the show made the tone make sense and feel exciting and personal

    7. Ready Player One – Wade was pretty gate-keeper-y and all “prove it” about pop culture, Halliday and the oasis but faaark is he annoying in the book. Definitely made him more likeable in the movie.

    8. steampunkunicorn01 on


      As good as the book is, the movie version made enough tweaks to improve the story in a lot of little ways (added suspense, more morally complex characters, etc.)

    9. Test_Subject_258 on

      Road to Perdition

      No Country for Old Men (The acting is excellent and very little from the book is lost.)

    10. DanielRedErotica on


      The Godfather.


      And by far the best example of this for me was Starship Troopers.

    11. Not a movie but I thought that “His Dark Materials” tv series on BBC was way more enjoyable than the books.

    12. Im reading What Dreams May Come right now. One of those books that’s been on my TBR that I wanted to read, but just kept putting it off every time I remembered about it. A little over the half way mark

      And I honestly really just prefer the movie version.

    13. Children of Men. The book, by PD James is just not nearly as good as the movie. It has the same premise but, I would say, a different vibe and a focus on religion that really isn’t in the movie. The ending is also completely different. Charon took a great concept with meh execution and really made it sing on film.

    14. Season 1 of Jack Reacher *AND* the Tom Cruise movie are both better than the book they are based on

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