September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. It’s very hard to transcribe that wit, philosophical depth and altogether clever way of making you see old ideas in a fresh way, to a tv or movie screen. You can show all the adventures etc, but you can’t show the more depthy stuff.

      Good Omens worked because the book has a lot of story and two fabulous main characters. Plus so much of it was Gaiman. Not sure his other books would work as well which is why we haven’t seen many adaptations.

      I’m happy about this, his books are meant to be read and thought about [once you’ve finished laughing]!

    2. I think a lot of the humor is in the narrator’s voice. It is annoying to have a narrative voiceover for a whole movie.

    3. Trying to adapt a book where a big draw is the author’s writing style to the screen is like trying to adapt a film known for its breathtaking cinematography as a radio play.

    4. I think it’s mostly difficult because it’s different. it CAN be adapted but it would take a lot more creativity than other works.

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