September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’m not a horror lover but my partner is and he’s trying to get me into more horror stuff and he’s suggested I read some Stephen King books. I’ve read and watched Carrie before and I was fine so I’m gonna try and give it another go. This is where I need some help, I have an audiobook token to use and I can’t decide if I should go for IT or The Shining? Any help deciding would be greatly appreciated x

    by Shinigamibex01

    1 Comment

    1. ExploringMacabre on

      It really depends what you like. I love IT but don’t know if I’d suggest it for straight off the bat, its long and can drag in places. So maybe the Shining or Misery.

      If you’re getting into horror I’d also suggest looking at r/horrorlit for inspiration. Also, head to youtube and look up ShadesofOrange. Rachel has a hell of a lot of book suggestion videos, anything from beginner books to specific sub genres that may interest you.

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