July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love reading but I have a hard time getting into books I’ve never read before. I always end up re-reading the same few series that I’ve loved since I was a teenager and I’m looking to get into something new. I’m 22F, these are some of my favorites:

    – The Hunger Games (so excited for the prequel movie!)
    – Gregor The Overlander (this one’s been my all time favorite since I was 11)
    – The Missing Series
    – The Shadow Children Series
    – The Selection Series

    I know these are all YA, but I’m open to expanding to older/more mature reads. I don’t mind a bit of romance as long as it’s “tasteful”; I just can’t get into the good girl/bad boy trope.

    Thank you!

    by Worldly-Barracuda708

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